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The standard Keynesian line is that the government can shorten recessions by using fiscal and monetary “stimulus.” However, as Austrian economists note, ratcheting up...
Americans once dreamed of a country that did not care about global greatness or glory. It was within our reach if we had been...
Progressives claim that the state grants us our rights, and that liberty can flourish only in the presence of a powerful state. The truth...
In the spirit of a new Cold War, Matthew Kroenig and Dan Negrea have written a new book, We Win, They Lose: Republican Foreign...
While the US dollar is the world’s “reserve” currency—at least for now—the reckless spending and money creation policies of the US government place the...
Einstein’s name is synonymous with brilliance, yet his great intelligence did not translate to logical economic thinking. Instead, Einstein embraced socialism, thinking that one...
Trump’s tax reform just replaces one tax with another. And would probably result in higher taxes.