Politicians respond to pressure. If we want them to actually carry out the cuts they claim to stand for, it’s up to us to...
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Politicians respond to pressure. If we want them to actually carry out the cuts they claim to stand for, it’s up to us to...
Antitrust law is being touted as an answer to our inflationary economy. Unfortunately, as Austrians have noted, antitrust law does nothing to bolster competition...
Rose Wilder Lane, known for her many writings, also has been a favorite of libertarians. In this week‘s Friday Philosophy, David Gordon reviews a...
The debate over use of nuclear weapon is built upon the assumption that they‘ve only been used twice, both against Japan. However, if we...
The first libertarian revolution succeeded, and we can do the same — but we, too, must have the will to triumph, to accept nothing...
A common belief among economists is that the central bank determines what interest rates should be. But is that accurate? Indeed, there is more...
As American culture becomes dominated by militant feminism, a new voting group of dissenters is arising: young male voters. These are young men that...
While some economists are lauding the idea of the “entrepreneurial state,” the reality is that such a term turns the very concept of entrepreneurship...
Why do people prep? Are preppers irrational and out of touch with reality?
In its so-called war against “hate,” the state determines who are the villains and then instructs everyone else to hate the “haters.” As one...
In the past four years, a number of monuments honoring the Confederacy have been torn down or removed. As we have seen before, however,...
While Henri Bergson did not point his intellectual abilities toward politics, lesser men who were unscrupulous commandeered his ideas to promote their own collectivist...
What does ChatGPT know about money? More than one might think. George Ford Smith asks the AI program some questions about money and gets...
When discussing the homeless situation in the US, Star Trek does not usually come to mind. However, one episode from about three decades ago...