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The Mises Institute will host the Libertarian Scholars Conference on March 20 at our Auburn campus.
Functionally, there is no difference between the US’s Medal of Freedom and the Order of Lenin awards handed out by the old Soviet Union.
Both Monetarists and Keynesians believe that a growing economy requires a growing money supply, thus, the Federal Reserve‘s “target” inflation rate of two percent....
Federal flood insurance was created ostensibly to provide insurance to people who live in flood-prone areas. Not surprisingly, it subsidizes bad home-building decisions and...
The field of behavior economics downplays the role of purposeful praxeology in economics. Austrian economics does not make that error. Original Article: Reason versus Emotion...
Modern prosperity is astonishing, but it can quickly disappear if our monetary unit fails. We need to keep up the fight for sound money....
The countries have changed, but the story remains the same. Wealthier countries try to “invest” by lending money to African regimes, where the money disappears....
On this week’s episode, Mark looks at the financial condition of the government and of American citizens on the cusp of the next recession. The...
Mises’ work explains how laissez-faire economies have incentives to be peaceful with each other, and how, inversely, tariffs and protectionism create isolation, instability, and...