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The Mises Institute will host the Libertarian Scholars Conference on March 20 at our Auburn campus.
Functionally, there is no difference between the US’s Medal of Freedom and the Order of Lenin awards handed out by the old Soviet Union.
Both Monetarists and Keynesians believe that a growing economy requires a growing money supply, thus, the Federal Reserve‘s “target” inflation rate of two percent....
While the White House claims that inflation is losing steam, the truth is that unless the government changes its reckless monetary course, hyperinflation could...
Inflation in Turkey today is officially running close to 70 percent, but the Turkish economy seems to be booming. Inflationary booms, however, cannot be...
On 15 November 1923 decisive steps were taken to end the nightmare of hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic: The Reichsbank, the German central bank,...
Under the guise of “modernizing” communications, the Canadian government is vastly expanding its power to regulate social media and threaten free speech. Original Article: Canadian...
While Ibrahim Kendi’s infamous antiracism center at Boston University implodes, the doctrines espoused by the center continue to present false social narratives. Original Article: Kendi’s...