Matthew Cavedon Charged with the misdemeanor of unlawfully operating a vehicle on federal lands, social media influencer and outdoorsman David Lesh requested a jury...
Walter Olson Following elections in which former President Donald Trump denounced alternate voting methods as fraud‐ridden and encouraged Republicans to save their votes for...
Clark Packard Between the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 and the 1970s, China’s economy was centrally planned. It engaged in...
Jeffrey Miron This article appeared on Substack on September 22, 2023. The White House recently announced the granting of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to...
John Mueller Regardless of how it ends, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine is likely to go down in history as a massively counterproductive...
Travis Fisher A previous post showed that the total cost of the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA’s) energy subsidies could reach $3 trillion. Subsidies so...
Gabriella Beaumont-Smith Today, I published a piece in Real Clear Policy highlighting Mattel’s Barbie supply chain and why manufacturing products in multiple countries is positive. Here’s...
Romina Boccia Here’s an unpopular opinion: Social Security benefits are growing too fast. And this excessive benefit growth is one of the key reasons...