Colleen Hroncich “We can do this better,” thought former public school teacher Rachel Frevert when she saw her children’s assignments during the pandemic. Her...
Ian Vásquez Argentine President Javier Milei delivered an impeccably libertarian address to the country this week, announcing major deregulation and what is surely the...
Gene Healy House Republicans are waging war against woke anti‐Semitism, and they smell Ivy League “blood in the water” The Hill reports. Viral video...
Jeffrey Miron As states ease their marijuana prohibitions, several are prioritizing licenses for individuals “disproportionately impacted” by prior drug laws. This mostly means those...
Clark Packard and Alfredo Carrillo Obregon Last week the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (Select Committee) released a lengthy report with a number...
Travis Fisher The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) greenhouse gas (GHG) rule for power plants was published in May 2023 and the original comment period...
Nicholas Anthony In the Wall Street Journal, I had a letter to the editor published on December 11 regarding the Federal Reserve’s “Doomsday Book.” As Emre...
Colin Grabow A recent Bloomberg story notes that Americans are facing higher prices for sweets and other goodies during the holiday season amidst rising...
Anastasia P. Boden Ever since Will Baude and Michael Paulsen released their watershed law review article, scholars have been debating whether Donald Trump is...
Kayla Susalla While public schools face ongoing funding challenges, resources are being allocated to School Resource Officers (SROs) to respond to anti‐social behavior. Though...