Clark Packard In early February, the ever-protectionist Trump administration announced it would immediately eliminate the “de minimis exemption” for low-value shipments arriving from China, effectively...
Colin Grabow Citing alleged unfairness in the current trading system, President Donald Trump appears to be laying the groundwork for the adoption of a...
Chris Edwards and Yasmeen Kallash-Kyler In a seeming reversal, the Trump administration is rumored to be considering ending the US Postal Service’s quasi-independence and...
My last post argued that, despite what Diamond and Dybvig’s famous theory suggests, bank runs have seldom proven fatal to otherwise sound banks. Instead,...
On October 10th, Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig won the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences, sharing it with Ben Bernanke “for research on...
In a recent Bloomberg column, former New York Fed President Bill Dudley echoes a conventional Fed narrative, contrasting Fed interest rate cycles under two...
Recently, an investment advisor and Bitcoin proponent tweeted the claim that “[f]or most of human history” the “[s]eparation of money and state was the...
Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), the ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, released a new minority staff report on July...
In assessing the possibility that a severe downturn occurred at the end of WWII, I took issue with conventional wartime and postwar output statistics,...
In December 1946, Clark Warburton published an article in the Political Science Quarterly titled, “Monetary Control under the Federal Reserve Act,” which was reprinted...