Renowned for his expertise in plasma physics and aerospace engineering, Dr. Sergey Macheret has carved out a prestigious career across both academic and industrial...
For SME business owners contemplating a sale, the recent Capital Gains Tax (CGT) increases announced in the Budget present new challenges. According to Ed...
A new government-backed train ticket retailer is to be launched online, the Department for Transport (DfT) has announced, with the aim of consolidating UK...
In the competitive realm of banknote production and security, Oberthur Fiduciaire stands out as a leading player. Each year, this industrial powerhouse produces tens...
Lawyers and litigation funders have hit back at EU plans to regulate the third-party litigation financing industry in claiming new rules could limit access...
Google lost an appeal in one of Europe’s leading courts yesterday against a record multibillion-euro fine for abusing its dominance of the Android mobile...
Growth and profitability are key drivers to business success. By acquiring and retaining customers, a company’s value becomes a solid engine that promotes cash...
Investors are showing interest in debt-related investment options — as well as the stock market which last week put forth its most promising performance...